Good Stuff

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Blog and more Pictures.

New news today, I've set up a new blog over at it's called Omegaloloftheday. lol
So give it a check, meanwhile here are some new pics.

Cellphone and Video camera operations will be up shortly, stay tuned.

Also on an international news note, Iranian authorities are mocking protests in the country, Obama had to say - "I find it ironic that you've got the Iranian regime pretending to celebrate what happened in Egypt, when in fact they have acted in direct contrast to what happened in Egypt by gunning down and beating people who were trying to express themselves peacefully,"

Full article at *** Iran protests 'going nowhere', says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  ***
The first one is for a friend, they know who.


  1. the fight club one is just so awesome!

  2. Loving the blog man, and great post - Keep it up! :D
    Following and supporting!

  3. Great post, I like most of these pics! :D

  4. I'm defiantly digging these images. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow!

  5. dope man il check it out

    following and supporting, reliable


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